„St. Ulrich, die Zweite“  - Schikurs der 2a und 2d unter der Leitung von Gutmensch Margit

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Es war das zweite Mal in diesem Jahr, dass Schüler und Schülerinnen des BG Tulln nach St. Ulrich am Pillersee auf Schikurs fuhren. Als wir bei strahlendem Wetter am 3. März im kleinen Nachbarort von St. Ulrich ankamen, versprach uns unsere Gastgeberin wunderbares Wetter für die Zeit unseres Aufenthaltes. Und sie sollte Recht behalten!

Es begann eine sehr intensive Zeit auf den Pisten und Loipen dieses Tiroler Ortes. Bei sehr guten Pistenbedingungen mit Unmengen von Schnee, dem auch ein Föhneinbruch mit Temperaturen bis 14° nichts anhaben konnte, gingen die Buben und Mädchen der 2a und 2d Schilaufen und Snowboarden.

Da das Quartier inmitten eines ausgedehnten Langlaufgebietes liegt, wurde Interessierten die Möglichkeit zum Langlaufen geboten. Und wer geglaubt hätte, dass diese Sportart auf wenig Gegenliebe gestoßen wäre der irrt! Jeden Nachmittag, nach der Rückkehr von den Pisten brach eine Gruppe unermüdlicher Burschen und Mädchen zum Langlaufen auf. Es gab sogar einige Begeisterte, die drei Mal ihre Spuren auf den Loipen zogen.

Dem war aber nicht genug. So ging es einmal nach dem Abendessen ins Hallenbad nach Fieberbrunn, einen anderen Abend wurde mit großer Begeisterung die Rodelbahn bevölkert und zusätzlich galt es  natürlich sehr unterhaltsame Aktivitäten am Abend zu bestreiten. Daher war es kein Wunder, dass das Aufstehen am Morgen mit jedem Tag schwerer fiel.

Die fast leeren Pisten und der viele, weiche Schnee schufen perfekte Bedingungen für eine sichere, praktisch unfallfreie Schikurswoche.

Aber alles hat einmal ein Ende, und so brach der Morgen des Abreisetages an, und – es war ein grauer, nebelverhangener Morgen, verschwunden waren die Berge, die sonst schon zum Frühstück im Morgenlicht erstrahlten, dafür prasselte der Regen auf die Autodächer und Windschutzscheiben.

Das Wetter machte es uns leicht nach Hause zurückzukehren. Und siehe da, diesmal war das Wetter in Tulln schöner, als wir wohlbehalten, voll schöner Erinnerungen vor dem Bundessschulzentrum unseren Schikurs beendeten.

Otto Gutmensch

Dear grandma!

In the first week of March, I was on a ski week with my school class.

So I want to tell you something about this week. I was very happy, because I couldn`t skiing, as you know. So ist was a new experience for me.

On Sunday Mum and Dad brought me to school, and so the bus started a few minutes later.

During the bus trip, it was very funny: We played chess, ship war and listened music.

It took us five hours from „Tulln“,  to „St.Ulrich“ on „Pillersee“  in „Tirol“ and the „hotel“ was named „Seerose“. I was in a room with my friends Michael and Lukas.

Now I want to tell you what we did in the  six days.


On the first day we went to the „Intersport“ and rented skiis.


We started learning in the „Kinder Club“. In the evening we went swimming. 


Until the second day we were on the beginners slope. I couldn`t ski very well but in the next few days, I found, I was better than i thought.


I didn`t feel like a beginner on Wednesday, because we took the blue piste.


My group and I took the red piste. It was really more difficult than the blue one!

In the afternoon we all went to a supermarket and bought some things (candy, drinks, …)


We took the black piste! I thouhgt the black piste was as difficult as the red piste.

On this last day there was a race in my group and I was second. I was very proud.


I came back to my family

Love, Greetings to you

Lukas Trebicki

My Skiweek

Last week my class went on a skiweek. We travelled to St. Ullrich next to the Pillersee. I was very excited about this week.

Our house in which we stayed, wasn’t in St. Ullrich. It was in a small village between St. Ullrich and St. Jacob, called “Flecken”. I think, this name is strange. The food at our guest house was good. We all ate a lot, because we were hungry from skiing.

Skiing was good fun. The snow was okay and the sun was always shining. We were split into five groups. Now all kids in our class can ski, some better, some not so well.

I really liked the mountains. They were beautiful. We all were happy, because we could see the mountains every day.

The evenings were never boring.

On Monday we went swimming. The water was warm.

The next day we made a “talkshow”. Boys had to go as girls and girls had to dress up as boys. It was great. The costumes of some boys were really good. Betty’s, Laura’s and Emilie’s for example. Paul and Lorenz turned themselves into Laura and Emilie, two girlfriends. I liked the way they dressed up. They wore T-shirts from two girls from 2a.

One boy wore a chain. The other boy wore a scarf. “Laura” and “Emilie” looked like girls, who dressed up as clowns. Their faces looked like they fell into a bucket of colour. They walked like girls swinging and they spoke in high voices, sounding like little girls.

Another boy called  “Sissi”, wore a purple sweater. Under this sweater he wore a “fake bossom”. He told us crazy stories. Stories like “Bugaties” and “Martinni”. He was an alcoholic. “Sissi” had got a yellow bag. In the end, “Sissi” looked like a butterfly with purple wings and a yellow body.

The winners of this talkshow were “Betty” and “Marlon”. Betty wore a shirt from Marlon(Girl) and Marlon had a black beard. He (she) looked like a gangster from  a movie. Betty looked like a cowgirl. a cowgirl from a farm with a million cows. But she (he) forgot her hat.

On Wednesday we went sleighing. It was dark outside. I was scared. But only a little bit! And sleighing was cool.

On Thursday skiing was great and in the evening we played games. My friends and I played “Activity”, a funny game.

On Friday we all were sad, because it was the last day. On Friday the weather said :”Bye, bye.” The sun was up the whole day through. It was the best day, regarding the weather. In the evening we played “Toto” with our teachers and students  and our groups. We all had fun.

Now it is time to say:” Thank you! Thank you, Mrs and Mr  Gutmensch. Thank you, Mrs  Lenz. Thank you, Mrs Kate Gutmensch. And Thank you, Andreas Wartak. This skiweek was one of my best “holidays”.

Oh, I forgot one thing. On Saturday we went home. And now we all can ski and we all can fly. But not fly like birds. No, we all can “fly” on our noses, with skis.